Bogliasco and surrounding
Here you will find some information about Bogliasco and places nearby personally selected by us. We'll tell you about our favourite places, things worth seeing in the area, give you tips for the best ice cream shops, etc. :)
In Bogliasco
(Click on the place to view it on a map)
Nughenè – best ice cream shop far and wide :)
l’Approdo – small bar for snacks with a great view
Panificio Stea - best Focaccia
Lo Scalo - best Pizza (approx. 15-20 minutes by foot, but it's worth it (be sure to book a table)
Just Peruzzi – Restaurant (very nice roof top terrace)
supermarket Basko
and much more. :)
Hiking closeby
By car/bus to Poggio/ San Bernardo and then hike to Pieve Alta
Places nearby
Nervi (Parchi di Nervi, Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi → walk by the sea, Porticciolo - small harbor with restaurants and cafés)
Camogli (beautiful place by the sea, Focacceria "Revello" for very good Focaccia and the sweets "Camogliesi")
San Rocco (by car or bus, Bar dai Muagetti for a great sun set)
hike from San Rocco to Punta Chiappa (quite a few stairs but it's worth it :))